In addition to studying core subjects with teachers in their main classrooms, elementary students attend “cluster classes” in other classrooms once or twice each week. List below is based on 2016-2017 class schedule and offerings could change year by year.
Art classes are offered once or twice a week depending on the grade. The art teacher works with students to explore a variety of mediums and reinforces mathematical and scientific concepts learned in home classes.
It is an important foundational class. By learning Latin, students gain expanded vocabulary and understanding of word formation, which helps them to decode unfamiliar words. The program is offered from 2-6 grades.
In-class Chess
The program is offered once a week with an outside vendor for K-1 students. The classes include discussions of concepts and strategies and practice sessions with guidance.
This is an enhanced hands-on science lab, which compliments the science learning in each home class.
The second language course is offered to 5th grades and up.
TAG’s music program has two stages. In grades K-3, students will learn about rhythm, melody, movement, singing, and sight reading. In 4th grade, students enter instrument training, first on the recorder, then on a band instrument of their choice, which they continue through 8th grade. TAG has an accomplished middle-school band program, which includes the highly regarded Latin Jazz Ensemble, which routinely plays at events across New York City.
Computers are available for student use in the technology lab, which students usually attend for one period per week. Projects there include basic computer programming and robotics.
Swimming (pilot program)
In conjunction with the Dwight School, 1-4th grades have an in-curriculum 10-week program at the Dwight's swimming facility on 109th Street and 1st Avenue. The program is currently offered in the Spring semester and subject to renewal.
In addition to studying core subjects with teachers in their main classrooms, elementary students attend “cluster classes” in other classrooms once or twice each week. List below is based on 2016-2017 class schedule and offerings could change year by year.
Art classes are offered once or twice a week depending on the grade. The art teacher works with students to explore a variety of mediums and reinforces mathematical and scientific concepts learned in home classes.
It is an important foundational class. By learning Latin, students gain expanded vocabulary and understanding of word formation, which helps them to decode unfamiliar words. The program is offered from 2-6 grades.
In-class Chess
The program is offered once a week with an outside vendor for K-1 students. The classes include discussions of concepts and strategies and practice sessions with guidance.
This is an enhanced hands-on science lab, which compliments the science learning in each home class.
The second language course is offered to 5th grades and up.
TAG’s music program has two stages. In grades K-3, students will learn about rhythm, melody, movement, singing, and sight reading. In 4th grade, students enter instrument training, first on the recorder, then on a band instrument of their choice, which they continue through 8th grade. TAG has an accomplished middle-school band program, which includes the highly regarded Latin Jazz Ensemble, which routinely plays at events across New York City.
Computers are available for student use in the technology lab, which students usually attend for one period per week. Projects there include basic computer programming and robotics.
Swimming (pilot program)
In conjunction with the Dwight School, 1-4th grades have an in-curriculum 10-week program at the Dwight's swimming facility on 109th Street and 1st Avenue. The program is currently offered in the Spring semester and subject to renewal.
Throughout the year, class trips are organized to reinforce and enrich classroom learning. Trips, including any costs and any need for parent chaperons, will be announced in your child’s red homework folder. No one will be allowed to travel without a signed parent permission slip (no permission emails).
Throughout the year, class trips are organized to reinforce and enrich classroom learning. Trips, including any costs and any need for parent chaperons, will be announced in your child’s red homework folder. No one will be allowed to travel without a signed parent permission slip (no permission emails).
Report cards and progress reports are distributed at parent-teacher conferences in November and March. All appointments must be scheduled online through the official school website, Login information will be provided by emails prior to the first parent-teacher conference.
Report cards and progress reports are distributed at parent-teacher conferences in November and March. All appointments must be scheduled online through the official school website, Login information will be provided by emails prior to the first parent-teacher conference.
Achieve 3000/Smarty Ants
This online literacy program helps students improve reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and writing. Each child receives daily lessons with stimulating science or social studies topic. Every student in the class receives the same lesson, but with content tailored to meet each child’s individual reading level.
This is an online math diagnostic/assessment/instructional program for students in the lower grades that is accessible from home. The lessons are tailored to their specific academic needs, based on the diagnostic assessment they take in school.
Achieve 3000/Smarty Ants
This online literacy program helps students improve reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and writing. Each child receives daily lessons with stimulating science or social studies topic. Every student in the class receives the same lesson, but with content tailored to meet each child’s individual reading level.
This is an online math diagnostic/assessment/instructional program for students in the lower grades that is accessible from home. The lessons are tailored to their specific academic needs, based on the diagnostic assessment they take in school.