The Talented and Gifted School for Young Scholars (TAG) is one of New York City’s five public citywide gifted and talented (G&T) schools. Founded in 1989, TAG is located in the vibrant neighborhood of East Harlem and serves grades K-8.
TAG has the most diverse student body of the five citywide G&T schools. Our students are exceptional, with incoming kindergartners scoring in the 99th percentile on a national test used to determine admissions to gifted programs in NYC. In general, TAG students work at least one year above their grade level. TAG consistently ranks as one of the top performing schools in NYC and received an overall grade of “A” in its most recent progress report. TAG was also the recipient of the Blackboard Award for Outstanding Elementary and Middle School in 2013. Mayor Bloomberg recognized TAG as one of the top 22 schools in NY State in 2013. You are invited to sponsor a gift or treat to all the scholars in your child’s class for the HOLIDAY TAG SWAG BAG! Pick from a selection of holiday inspired TAG SWAG, then add an OPTIONAL customized GIFT TAG with your message of holiday cheer. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 11TH Due to the limited space and to prevent duplicates in the bag, we ask for ONE FAMILY sponsor per TREAT. If all items are sold out, more items may be added before the deadline if space permits. If you have more than one child, pick one class
to sponsor to allow other parents the opportunity to participate. Before the final deadline check in again to see if any other items are available. Please note: if you have students in multiple classes/grades, you may purchase multiple items (in other words, please limit to one purchase per scholar). On Thursday, December 19th a SWAG BAG will be delivered to each scholar in the class stuffed with your sponsored treats and gifts. The next general PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:00pm You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this Zoom meeting via instructions Ms. B emails via Jupiter. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Agenda Items Include: Administration Updates; Committee Updates If you wish to add an item to the agenda or a question for the TAG administrative team, please send it via email to [email protected]. Separate from the on-site afterschool run by the YMCA, additional on-site afterschool options for the 2024/2025 school year are available. Dear TAG Families,
The PTA Executive Board and School Leadership Team elections will be held at the PTA meeting on June 18, 2024 at 6pm. Voting will occur over Zoom. Please check your Jupiter mail for a message from Ms. B with registration details. Families play a vital role in our school community and we urge you to attend and vote! The nominees as of June 4 are listed below. Additional nominees may be made from the floor on the night of the election. PTA Executive Board President
VP at Large
VP of Family Engagement
VP of Budget
VP of Fundraising
VP of Grants
VP of Enrichment
School Leadership Team (Two Seats Available)
[6/14: removed Denada Ramnishta and John Lee from SLT candidates; combined Family Engagement candidates to a single ticket of C. Hsu, I. Nunez Carren, and M. Momplaisir] [6/13: added candidates A. Burns + C. Newman for Recording Secretary; added bio for A. Ghose] [6/12: updated bio of J. Rakos] When: Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 06:00 PM Eastern Time.
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting via instructions Ms. B emails via Jupiter. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Agenda Items Include:
If you wish to add an item to the agenda or a question for the TAG administrative team, please send it via email to [email protected]. Our major fundraiser event will be taking place on May 18th at the Alhambra Ballroom. Get your tickets and bid on items now!
Get your tickets before May 1st to secure early bird pricing! See you there! Be with other TAG families and enjoy a day filled with:
Please check your e-mail for more details, volunteer signups, and RSVP links (via JupiterEd from Ms. B.) Questions? E-mail [email protected]. Hi TAG Families,
We are ready to announce that the spring 2024 chess after school registration is open now. The program will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays from school dismissal (2:25pm) until 4:30pm. Wednesday classes are open to students of all ages who have some or a lot of chess experience. Students with extensive tournament experience are encouraged to join the Wednesday section. Friday classes are open to students of all ages who have some or no chess experience. Students who are newer to chess are encouraged to join the Friday section. Registration details have been e-mailed to the PTA body. Please look out for it. We are happy to continue this long-standing and successful program and hope our scholars enjoy it! Best, Your TAG Young Scholars PTA |
ArchivesPast TAG newsletters, family engagement committee weekly digests, and miscellaneous meeting handouts: