As first announced at the TAG PTA General Membership meeting on September 17, 2019, we currently have no Vice-Presidents for two key committees on our TAG PTA that are vital to our community and for supporting our children’s education and enrichment.
At the next PTA General Membership Meeting on Tuesday October 15th, 2019 in the Cafeteria of TAG Young Scholars (see address below) at 6:00pm we will be conducting expedited elections to fill the Enrichment and Fundraising Vice President positions. Both of these positions can be held by one Vice President or by two Co-Vice Presidents. In addition, we are seeking to fill one position for a representative on the School Leadership Team (SLT). For additional detail on responsibilities for each position, please visit the About TAG PTA section of the TAG PTA website ( where you will find position descriptions in our TAG PTA Bylaws and under the PTA Committees section. For convenience, they are also attached to this notice.
Your TAG PTA Executive Board is a group of hard-working volunteer parents who will help and support the new VPs transition into these positions. The TAG PTA Executive Board is wonderful mix of new and old PTA Executive Board members and we all support one another.
Nominations for all positions will be taken from the floor. The election of the Enrichment Vice President(s) and Fundraising Vice President(s) will directly follow the nomination process. We will then ask for an SLT representative nomination and election. All parents are eligible to hold office, unless they are an employee of this school. All parents are eligible to vote in the election unless they are supervisory staff (principals, assistant principals, and supervisors at this school).
Here is what will be missing if we don’t fill the PTA Executive Board positions:
Without Enrichment VPs our options this fall have been limited and our programs have been delayed. If we continue without a VP, we may not have events like Field Day and our after school enrichment options will continue to be delayed and limited.
Without Fundraising VPs the resources to we provide to TAG will be limited and directly impacts music education, teaching assistants, recess support and in-curriculum enrichment activities for our children.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting at 6:00pm on Tuesday October 15, 2019 to support your children’s school. Please do not hesitate to contact the PTA Executive Board at the email address below with any questions.
The Enrichment Committee Vice-President(s) serve as chairperson(s) of the Enrichment Committee, which is responsible for enhancing the enrichment programs offered to TAG students. The committee assesses existing enrichment opportunities for students, identifies gaps, and focuses on greatest needs. The committee then organizes around specific programs (e.g., chess, physical education, language, etc.) to research the needs for enrichment programs, develop strategies for bringing the program to TAG, and find organizations that specifically address the goals of that program. This is great committee to join if you are interested in finding ways to make our scholars well-rounded.
The Fundraising Committee Vice-President(s) serve as chairperson(s) of the Fundraising Committee, responsible for coordinating fundraising events and activities to generate funds to benefit TAG. This committee is the backbone for the PTA as all funds raised throughout a year are budgeted and funneled into supporting the programs under the Enrichment and Family Engagement Committees in the following year. Parent contribution and participation is particularly important in this committee in ensuring the PTA can continuously fund these existing programs in enriching TAG students’ experiences.
Additional responsibilities for either Enrichment Committee Vice-President(s) or Fundraising Committee Vice-President(s) include: (i) presiding at the meetings of their respective committees; (ii) ensuring the orderly conduct of meetings of their respective committees; (iii) provide the Vice-President(s) of the Budget Committee with a projected budget for the current school year by the last day of August; (iv) provide periodic reports on the business of their respective committees at PTA Executive Board meetings and PTA General Membership meetings; and (v) assist with the June transfer of TAG PTA records, including all pertinent use ids and passwords, to the incoming PTA Executive Board and their respective successors.
All New York State public schools have a School Leadership Team (SLT). The TAG SLT is a proactive team of parents, teachers and administrators whose purpose is to facilitate communication and involvement. The School Leadership Team develops the school’s annual Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), which sets annual goals for the school in specific areas and focuses on developing strategies for improvement. The SLT, with input from the school community, is responsible for evaluating the quality of our school’s educational programs and their effects on student achievement. The SLT is also responsible for ensuring that the school budget supports the goals set forth in the CEP. This team is comprised of the Principal or Principal’s designee and four (4) TAG School Administrators along with the TAG PTA President or PTA President’s designee and four parents. The SLT meets once each month and all TAG parents are welcome to attend.
At the next PTA General Membership Meeting on Tuesday October 15th, 2019 in the Cafeteria of TAG Young Scholars (see address below) at 6:00pm we will be conducting expedited elections to fill the Enrichment and Fundraising Vice President positions. Both of these positions can be held by one Vice President or by two Co-Vice Presidents. In addition, we are seeking to fill one position for a representative on the School Leadership Team (SLT). For additional detail on responsibilities for each position, please visit the About TAG PTA section of the TAG PTA website ( where you will find position descriptions in our TAG PTA Bylaws and under the PTA Committees section. For convenience, they are also attached to this notice.
Your TAG PTA Executive Board is a group of hard-working volunteer parents who will help and support the new VPs transition into these positions. The TAG PTA Executive Board is wonderful mix of new and old PTA Executive Board members and we all support one another.
Nominations for all positions will be taken from the floor. The election of the Enrichment Vice President(s) and Fundraising Vice President(s) will directly follow the nomination process. We will then ask for an SLT representative nomination and election. All parents are eligible to hold office, unless they are an employee of this school. All parents are eligible to vote in the election unless they are supervisory staff (principals, assistant principals, and supervisors at this school).
Here is what will be missing if we don’t fill the PTA Executive Board positions:
Without Enrichment VPs our options this fall have been limited and our programs have been delayed. If we continue without a VP, we may not have events like Field Day and our after school enrichment options will continue to be delayed and limited.
Without Fundraising VPs the resources to we provide to TAG will be limited and directly impacts music education, teaching assistants, recess support and in-curriculum enrichment activities for our children.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting at 6:00pm on Tuesday October 15, 2019 to support your children’s school. Please do not hesitate to contact the PTA Executive Board at the email address below with any questions.
The Enrichment Committee Vice-President(s) serve as chairperson(s) of the Enrichment Committee, which is responsible for enhancing the enrichment programs offered to TAG students. The committee assesses existing enrichment opportunities for students, identifies gaps, and focuses on greatest needs. The committee then organizes around specific programs (e.g., chess, physical education, language, etc.) to research the needs for enrichment programs, develop strategies for bringing the program to TAG, and find organizations that specifically address the goals of that program. This is great committee to join if you are interested in finding ways to make our scholars well-rounded.
The Fundraising Committee Vice-President(s) serve as chairperson(s) of the Fundraising Committee, responsible for coordinating fundraising events and activities to generate funds to benefit TAG. This committee is the backbone for the PTA as all funds raised throughout a year are budgeted and funneled into supporting the programs under the Enrichment and Family Engagement Committees in the following year. Parent contribution and participation is particularly important in this committee in ensuring the PTA can continuously fund these existing programs in enriching TAG students’ experiences.
Additional responsibilities for either Enrichment Committee Vice-President(s) or Fundraising Committee Vice-President(s) include: (i) presiding at the meetings of their respective committees; (ii) ensuring the orderly conduct of meetings of their respective committees; (iii) provide the Vice-President(s) of the Budget Committee with a projected budget for the current school year by the last day of August; (iv) provide periodic reports on the business of their respective committees at PTA Executive Board meetings and PTA General Membership meetings; and (v) assist with the June transfer of TAG PTA records, including all pertinent use ids and passwords, to the incoming PTA Executive Board and their respective successors.
All New York State public schools have a School Leadership Team (SLT). The TAG SLT is a proactive team of parents, teachers and administrators whose purpose is to facilitate communication and involvement. The School Leadership Team develops the school’s annual Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), which sets annual goals for the school in specific areas and focuses on developing strategies for improvement. The SLT, with input from the school community, is responsible for evaluating the quality of our school’s educational programs and their effects on student achievement. The SLT is also responsible for ensuring that the school budget supports the goals set forth in the CEP. This team is comprised of the Principal or Principal’s designee and four (4) TAG School Administrators along with the TAG PTA President or PTA President’s designee and four parents. The SLT meets once each month and all TAG parents are welcome to attend.