The PTA launched the Debate Program for 5th - 8th grades. Registration has closed. Please contact the PTA Debate Program if you have any questions or concerns about this program at TAG. Vendors that TAG PTA has worked with in the past are still offering classes! Contact the vendors directly if your child is interested in taking a virtual afterschool class for Piano, Spanish, Mandarin, French, Chess and other Bridge The Gap Enrichments. FYI: The French class is a new program being offered by a vendor we have a long-standing relationship with. The Wisdom Learning program is being offered by a vendor we have a long-standing relationship with as well, offering various "Bridge The Gap Enrichment" courses. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THE VENDOR DIRECTLY FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAMS, THEY ARE HAPPY TO ENGAGE IN DISCUSSION WITH ANY OF OUR TAG FAMILY MEMBERS. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR THESE CLASSES, PLEASE EMAIL THE VENDOR DIRECTLY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. PIANO - (see flyer for details) Beehive Music Contact - Mirta Gomez: [email protected] SPANISH - (see flyer for details) Espanol Experience Contact - [email protected] MANDARIN - Registration Information: Contacts - Michelle: [email protected] Jamie: [email protected] FRENCH - (see flyer for details) French Classes Contact - Mirta Gomez: [email protected] CHESS - Chess online afterschool offered by NY Chess Kids is open to all students. Information is here: Feel free to register for whatever day works for you, but we suggest Fridays, to keep our program consistent with last year and to have the kids see each other once a week. If you register we would like to ask you if you could also fill this out: so that we can keep track of which kid is registered and we can communicate to you if there's any news. If you want to be added to the chess mailing list please email [email protected] Email THE VENDOR Saudin at [email protected] IF YOU HAVE ANY REGISTRATION QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT CHESS. BRIDGE THE GAP ENRICHMENTS - Wisdom Learning: for more information contact: [email protected] Comments are closed.
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